Integrated Sterilizer & Shredder (ISS)
Easy to Operate – No need for special technician qualification.
Environmentally Sound – Shredded waste is reduced to as little’s 1/5 its original volume, with out emitting harmful substances.
Cost-effective – Inexpensive operation and maintenance.
Totally Safe-Automatic locking door prohibit unauthorized interruption.
Efficient -A single unit can serve any middle size hospital, clinic or laboratory.
Easily and quickly installed.

Celitron’s compact medical hazardous waste solution, the Integrated Sterilizer & Shredder, is a steam sterilizer with an integrated shredder, designed for on-site conversion of biohazard waste in hospitals and clinics, complying the EU and WHO recommendations. The stainless steel vessel is fitted with a motor-driven shaft, with powerful shredding / crushing blades that can rotate in two directions to reduce the size and volume of the waste down to 20%. The blades are mounted on the shaft and are designed to shred waste such as sharps, dialyzers, frozen blood, syringes, papers, cloth, plastic and glass. Shredding is important as it enhances the steam penetration therefore im- proves the overall sterilization results.
The steam is produced by a steam generator, supplied by water purification and draining system as standard accessory. The vessel is constructed with internal sprinklers for automatic cleaning. The entire process is automatic, including the open- ing and closing the door, turning and rotating of the vessel and the sequences of shredding and steriliza- tion. Depending on the capacity, the total cycle time can take as fast as 15-35 minutes and up to 150 kg of waste can be processed per hour. After treated in the ISS, the waste is sterile. The liquid components of the waste are steamed out of the vessel, re-condensed and drained to a municipal sewer. As the waste is dehydrated, there is no risk of contaminated waste water. The waste is rendered, fragmented, non-tox- i c , largely solid and dry and therefore safe to be disposed as regular municipal waste.

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